World Class Programs


Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers to all of your most frequently asked questions here...

Q: Can I receive financial aid?

A: If cost is a concern for you, you can consider our Student Ambassador Program. Our Student Ambassador Program is offered all year round and there isn't a deadline for this opportunity! However, there is an additional application for you to become a Student Ambassador. After you have been accepted for the program, within your Student Portal, there is an option to apply for our Student Ambassador Program. Candidates will be screened by our admissions team. Students who become Ambassadors receive an initial discount of $150 off their tuition. Where this program has really helped students is through referrals. Referring a student to any of our programs gives an ambassador an additional $250-$500 off their tuition depending on the program! Some of our students have completely paid for their programs this way!

Q: What does the admissions process look like?

A: The application should take about 20-30 minutes to complete. There are three short essay questions that we ask to get to know you and understand your goals for studying abroad. Take your time on these questions but there’s no need to spend too much time on them! After you submit your application, the review process can take anywhere from 1-3 weeks, depending on the volume of applicants at that time. Be patient, we’ll review your application and let you know our decision! Don’t be afraid to email with any questions!

Q: Is there a curfew?

A: The curfew is set at the discretion of our Program Director. Weekday curfews are typically 11 pm, and weekend curfews are usually 12:00am. This curfew does not necessarily reflect the time spent out exploring, but rather the official “lights out and check-in” time established at the residence. It is worth noting that countries in Europe often observe different traditional dinner times than in the United States, as well as other cultural norms that may require the curfews to extend. World Class Programs may change the curfew times at its discretion as deemed necessary for safety of the group or individual. Face-to-face visual curfew check-ins are also done each night as a safety measure.

Q: Do I need to speak the host country language?

A: There is never a language prerequisite for any of our programs or courses. All of our programs are taught in primarily English. Language courses will administer a language proficiency assessment at the beginning of the course and your learning will be tailored to your skill level.

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Classes & Activities

Q: What size are the groups and classes, and what is the staff to student ratio?

A: We keep class sizes balanced to promote more individualistic learning. The group sizes are dependent on many factors, so they could change from program to program. Our staff to student ratio is 1:6. For questions about the current status of our program sizes, please contact us through the question box.

Q: Who will be teaching the classes?

A: Most classes will be taught by our World Class Programs staff, however, there are some cases where local instructors may assist our classes to provide cultural insight to certain lessons. Our trusted staff have been hand-selected to ensure they are trusted, have experience working with high school aged students, and can speak the host language

Q: Will my language proficiency improve?

A: Yes. The best way to learn a new language is by surrounding yourself with it. All of our programs are designed to give students from any language background (from no knowledge to fluent speaker) a rich, cultural, and linguistic experience to expand upon what they previously know..

Q: Are the classes mandatory? What is the typical workload?

A: Yes. All of our programs are designed around our cultural experiences. The best way for students to get full value out of these cultural experiences is through their coursework. Each student is required to select two courses.

Q: Is there homework?

A: There is no homework in a traditional sense, though some learning may take place outside of the designated class time. For example, on our Japan Program, our Manga and Anime course may attend an art exhibition by a prominent manga artist in the evening, in addition to their normal “coursework” during the day.

Q: What will a typical day be like?

A: Weekdays: Students will start off their weekday mornings at 9am with our morning classes that run until noon. Afternoons have the flexibility for your choice of either attending your elective class, or several culturally significant recreational activities. Students spend their evenings by choosing from a diverse set of activities including: concerts and performances, culturally rich museums, beach trips, shopping, athletics, outdoor cafés, occasional group dance parties, excursions to city-specific local sites, and many exciting others. For more specific information about each summer program, we encourage you to view the page of the specific program you are interested in attending. Weekends: In most of our programs, the weekends are reserved for students to go on regional day trips and excursions. Although these day trips are fun, and students say they are the most memorable parts of their trip, they are still mandatory for all students. No student may elect to stay behind in the residence because it is the most culturally enriching part of the program. This rule is designed for their safety while abroad because they must travel in groups while they are abroad. For more specific information about each summer program and their unique weekend excursions, we encourage you to view the page of the specific program you are interested in attending.

Residence & Housing

Q: What are the residences like? Are there roommates?

A: All student residences are comfortable, cozy, and clean. They also meet all World Class Programs’ safety requirements, as detailed in our safety video. In general, the residences are city apartments in which students will typically have one roommate who is another World Class Programs student. Apartments are divided between boys and girls apartments. If a student is traveling on a World Class Program trip with a friend, provided they are of the same gender, they will be able to request to be roommates. Otherwise, roommates are assigned based on a personality questionnaire.


Q: How safe are the World Class summer programs?

A: The safety of the students is World Class Programs’ biggest concern. Our team has crafted a list of Safety Rules and Guidelines that ensure each student is safe while on one of our trips. All of the information about these rules and guidelines are explained in more detail in the Program Application and Enrollment Contract. These rules are designed for the safety of the students, so we expect that they are followed throughout the duration of the program. In addition, our staff will supervise students throughout most of their activities, and will be available 24 hours a day if needed. In order to contact a staff member with an issue, you just need to contact the staff cell phone number provided during the trip. Staff are always available to provide extra safety measures such as walking students home if necessary, accompany students to doctor visits if needed, or help if any other general need is required. However, the Safety Rules and Guidelines are the first measure of safety when abroad because the staff will not be able to personally supervise every student 24/7.

Q: What happens if I break the safety rules?

A: World Class Programs reserves the right to send you home without a refund if you put yourself or others in danger by breaking any of our safety rules. This is because breaking safety rules means that you have put yourself in a seriously dangerous situation.